Cuba is not alone and in France they show it

2022-06-24 04:45:07 By : Mr. William Chu

Correspondent of Prensa Latina in FranceThe US blockade with its duration of more than six decades, the exclusion of the island from the IX Summit of the Americas, the continuity of its presence on the Washington list of countries that sponsor terrorism or any other aggression, find in this part of the world a response, always as timely as it is energetic.Nor do they confuse the friends of the Antillean nation on French soil with actions with the alleged intention of helping the Cuban people, in particular the elimination by the administration of President Joseph Biden of some of the more than 240 measures decreed by his predecessor in the White House. , Donald Trump (2017-2021), to intensify the economic, commercial and financial siege.Although the decisions related to the resumption of flights to the provinces, remittances, family reunification visas and transactions to the private sector were welcomed, it was clear that the plans to overthrow the Revolution and suffocate its defenders to generate discontent and destabilization.In statements to Prensa Latina, deputy François-Michel Lambert denounced the US government's policy of strangulation against the island and the full application of the blockade, despite the announcements and their materialization.“The blockade continues, Cuba continues to be on the list of countries that sponsor terrorism, Americans cannot do tourism there, and economic development continues to be fenced off,” he warned.According to the president of the France-Cuba Group of the National Assembly, Washington is very far from recognizing the right of the Antillean nation to its full sovereignty and is very slow on the issue of putting an end to the suffering caused to Cubans.For his part, the Franco-Spanish intellectual Ignacio Ramonet described the decisions of the Biden administration as insufficient and advocated a change of position, which in his opinion would benefit the northern country itself.I support the thesis that the United States should have all kinds of agreements with Cuba based on its own interests, given the fact that the Antillean nation does not create any problem for it, because it is a serious and stable neighbor, without the challenges of violence, drug trafficking or crime, he explained.The Cuba Linda association also described as limited the relief actions of the longest siege in modern history and insisted that they do not change this brutal aggression at all."Nothing to lighten the siege on the island that prevents the entry of molecules for medicines, basic necessities, fuel or parts for the maintenance of medical equipment, factories, planes and elevators," he stressed.Likewise, he affirmed that they do not change Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, which reinforces the extraterritorial nature of the blockade.The Biden administration continued without saying anything about removing Cuba from the false list of countries that allegedly sponsor terrorism, which serves as a pretext for the arbitrary sanctions of the United States against peoples that do not submit to its interests, he repudiated.For the association created in 1998, the State Department's announcement represents a measure based on North American interests, and not a step in the alleged objective of helping the people of the largest of the AntillesAlthough far from the American continent, the exclusion of Cuba, along with Venezuela and Nicaragua, from the IX Summit of the Americas, held from June 6 to 10 in the city of Los Angeles, did not go unnoticed in France.Ramonet considered the forum a diplomatic failure and another wasted opportunity for the United States to approach Latin America and the Caribbean in a respectful and mutually advantageous relationship on key issues for the region, such as health and migration.Once again Biden disappointed, and with his position he only managed to increase solidarity with the excluded, he told Prensa Latina.According to the France Cuba association, one of the oldest in the world in the solidarity work with the Antillean nation for its 61 years of existence, Washington once again demonstrated in the context of the IX Summit its obstinacy in assuming the role of supreme judge in matters of democracy and human rights.His conduct is unacceptable -he denounced- due to double standards, by wielding democracy and human rights as justifications for exclusion, when he openly violates those principles.How to describe a government that transgresses International Law with impunity by maintaining a genocidal blockade for more than 60 years against the Cuban people, even when the majority of the nations of the world and the United States citizens themselves oppose it, he specified.Solidarity with a people that resists the US blockade guides the Armor Committee of the Cuba Cooperation France association (CubaCoop), which accumulates twenty containers sent to the island.In an interview with Prensa Latina, Michel Le Magoarou, president of the group that works from the northwestern Breton region, commented that in May the most recent of the containers filled by the Armor Committee with a solidarity load left for the largest of the Antilles.Hospital furniture marks the shipment, with 48 electric beds, 70 mattresses with protection and 30 bedside tables, among other resources, thanks to the support of hospitals in Brittany, mutual nursing homes and pharmacists, he explained.According to Le Magoarou, it is a contribution to Cuba's fight against the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States for more than 60 years.Washington has no right to apply this prolonged economic war, nor to impose its will with a fence responsible for many difficulties, which impedes the development of Cuba and its relations with other countries, he insisted.For their part, French unions of the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) accumulate more than 230,000 euros raised with their Containers for Cuba initiative, created with the purpose of sending donations to help the island face the US blockade.Around thirty federations and departmental unions of the influential union organization are part of the campaign launched last year, through which the unions plan to ship several containers with dozens of tons of basic necessities to the beleaguered Caribbean nation.In a statement, promoters of solidarity action within the CGT described as criminal the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States on Cuba for more than 60 years and highlighted the resistance of their people against imperialist aggression.True to our values ​​and history, we will never accept that a foreign power interferes in the internal affairs of a third country to cause destabilization, suffering and regime change, they pointed out.NO POLITICAL COLOR The condemnation of the US blockade has no political color on French soil, a fact demonstrated by the position of senators from parties with ideologies as different as the conservative Republicans (LR) and the Communist Party.In mid-June, the president of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Upper House, Christian Cambon, rejected the siege when he received Homero Acosta, secretary of the island's National Assembly.Cambon (LR) advocated during the meeting for dialogue and cooperation, and considered that the policy applied by Washington against the Caribbean country is not an acceptable solution.Likewise, the communist senator Laurence Cohen demanded the lifting of the blockade, which she called infamous.In statements to Prensa Latina, the parliamentarian for the department of Val-de-Marne acknowledged the island's resistance to US aggressiveness and reiterated the right of the Caribbean country and of everyone in the world to freely choose the political and socioeconomic system that decide.I want to take advantage of this message to ratify our accompaniment to a people like the Cuban people, whose resistance we recognize not only, but also their solidarity with others who need it, affirmed the senator.Lebanon strikes back at Israel's ambition for water resourcesWho stops Nepomniachtchi in the Chess Candidates Tournament?Cuba is not alone and in France they show itSpanish Dance and Flamenco in Cuba: tribute to the mastersUN agency for Palestinian refugees has financial problemsBrazilian tennis player Haddad will try to remain undefeated on grass|Send SMS to 8100 with the text PL Stay informed with 4 messages x 25 cup© 2016-2021 Latin American Information Agency SARadio – Television – Printed and digital publications.All rights reserved.Calle E # 454 esq.19, Vedado, Havana, Cuba.Phone: (+53) 7 838 3496, (+53) 7 838 3497, (+53) 7 838 3498, (+53) 7 838 3499 Prensa Latina © 2021 .Site designed and developed by the Development Department of the Technical Directorate of Prensa Latina.